Tuesday, February 28, 2012

in recent news

First and foremost everybody, words cannot express how excited I am to see Star Wars in 3D sometime in the near future. I grew up watching the original trilogy with my dad almost every weekend, and it almost gives me goosebumps thinking about getting to see it in theaters again. Natalie Portman has always been one of my favorite actresses and I can't necessarily 100% say this is fact, but I'm pretty sure that most of the reason for that is because of her role as Princess Leia. Never really got why people liked Star Trek. If you were a trekky (if that's how it's spelled) and you'd like to defend your prejudice in the comment box below, please do. I've always been curious as to why it was so popular. If you've never sat down and had a conversation with a homeless person, I'd recommend it.  On Saturday I met Fanzo, a local late night McDonald's frequenter like me. Probably one of the nicest guys I've met before, and also probably had more on his mind than anyone I'd ever met. He could talk about anything and everything. I won't go over all that was discussed but what I can tell you about Fanzo is that:

1. He did not like Obama
2. He thinks people who like pickles on their burgers don't know anything about burgers
3. He says people need to get more dogs, because dogs make people happy

Hopefully I'll run into Fanzo again someday. If any of you ever meet him at McDonald's tell him Tanner said hey.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Caved

Well, the break in classes caused me to forget to blog last week. I have no idea how it slipped my mind. So I'll just run through some of the nonsense yal have been missing out on. First, I'll start off with the confession I must make. I know I am the epitome of manliness and all, you don't have to tell me, my three chest hairs are proof enough, but every once in a while even the best of us slip up. So I'll just get right out and say it. I saw The Vow on Valentine's Day. Yeah, it was for a girl so I guess that helps right? I really hope so. Most of my pre-movie time was spent scanning my surroundings for people I might know and should avoid lest they see me shamefully sauntering into the theater. So there I said it. Say what you want. Make jokes. I get it. I will say this, though, and it may hurt my case even more. The movie was really not that bad for a while. Yeah, it wouldn't have been my first choice obviously. I'd rather see a bunch of heads exploding any day over watching two random people I don't know struggle with their love life, but the story was interesting enough to follow along with throughout most of the performance. When I lost interest though is when it got the most "dramatic." I really wasn't that emotionally attached to the film in the first place, and then they tried to make me cry, and as soon as the words "pathetic" crossed my mind. I heard the sniffles from the girl squad sitting 3 seats down. I just can't understand what makes these movies worth crying about. Maybe I'm shallow. Maybe it's just a guy thing. I've just never been so comparatively apathetic. Anyways, now the cats out of the bag. Go ahead and take your stabs. Comments should be easy on this confession.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Super Bowl Thoughts

Ok, so I've been waiting to vent about this load of crap for a long time, and I'm just gonna come right out and say it. The Super Bowl was probably one of the most frustrating things I've ever watched. Let's be honest people. The Giants are the luckiest team in the NFL and Eli Manning is by far the luckiest man alive. Never have I seen so many fumbles bounce right back into the hands of the team that dropped the ball in the first place. Never have I seen so many passes lobbed up and somehow miraculously get caught by some guy off the bench. I really just feel bad for Tom Brady too. I've also never seen so many "elite" receivers drop such easy passes. So in a way, yeah, the Patriots shot themselves in the foot. I'll admit it, but I still feel that they were the better team last night. And now, lets move on to the only thing worse than Deon Branch's hands, the halftime show. Madonna, Nikki Minaj, and LMFAO... Really? Who is this for, Middle School kids? The only exciting part about the performance was eagerly hoping Madonna would trip and eat it as she stumbled around on those precarious bleachers. The only people who like that music are Middle Schoolers (once again) and girls. And don't get me wrong, I know that girls can like football just as much as the next guy, but I'd be willing to bet most of the audience that actually pays attention to the Super Bowl are men, so let's get something that we would all enjoy. How bout that?