Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Caved

Well, the break in classes caused me to forget to blog last week. I have no idea how it slipped my mind. So I'll just run through some of the nonsense yal have been missing out on. First, I'll start off with the confession I must make. I know I am the epitome of manliness and all, you don't have to tell me, my three chest hairs are proof enough, but every once in a while even the best of us slip up. So I'll just get right out and say it. I saw The Vow on Valentine's Day. Yeah, it was for a girl so I guess that helps right? I really hope so. Most of my pre-movie time was spent scanning my surroundings for people I might know and should avoid lest they see me shamefully sauntering into the theater. So there I said it. Say what you want. Make jokes. I get it. I will say this, though, and it may hurt my case even more. The movie was really not that bad for a while. Yeah, it wouldn't have been my first choice obviously. I'd rather see a bunch of heads exploding any day over watching two random people I don't know struggle with their love life, but the story was interesting enough to follow along with throughout most of the performance. When I lost interest though is when it got the most "dramatic." I really wasn't that emotionally attached to the film in the first place, and then they tried to make me cry, and as soon as the words "pathetic" crossed my mind. I heard the sniffles from the girl squad sitting 3 seats down. I just can't understand what makes these movies worth crying about. Maybe I'm shallow. Maybe it's just a guy thing. I've just never been so comparatively apathetic. Anyways, now the cats out of the bag. Go ahead and take your stabs. Comments should be easy on this confession.


  1. I really wanted to see that movie! Im sure it would be more interesting to girls.

  2. You have never cried at a movie?? You show me a man that wont cry watching Old Yeller, and I'll show you a man with no soul! Just sayin...that and I might have cried a little bit during the last Indiana Jones flick, but that was for an entirely different reason.

  3. It seems like everyone has seen _The Vow_. Glad to know that some of it was enjoyable anyway before the "dramatic" part :) May try to catch it when it comes out on video.

  4. That's ok that you don't cry at movies, I never have. At least not over a chick flick anyway.

  5. Lol Tanner I know the exact feeling. I too went and watched the Vow of course it was for my girlfriend but i spent most of my time doing the same as you did. I didn't care to much for the movie but at least my girlfriend was not mad at me so it was a win in my case.
