Monday, January 30, 2012

Honestly just don't have much to say this time around everyone, so I'm just going to mind vomit on this one. Checked out Wal-Mart yesterday and found probably the coolest apple juice bottles I've ever seen. Just by that description you all most likely know exactly the ones I'm talking about. That's right, the tummy ticklers with Disney characters for tops. Just could not resist Woody and Buzz Lightyear's big ol' eyes staring at me from the top shelf of the display rack, and now they're both perched on the top shelf of my dorm bookshelf and keep a close watch over the pad while I'm away or sleeping. For those of you who don't know Toy Story was and always will be my favorite movie. I know you were curious. This is going to sound very dumb but I promise it's frustrated me for years now. I still can't grow a beard. I know, tragic. I've been this close (about the distance between my thumb and pointer finger if you can picture me pinching a nickel) for years now. There's just two patches that refuse to come through for me and the rest of it just won't get quite thick enough to call it real facial hair yet. Feels like the rest of my body is on board with it but my face just isn't having it. I just think it would be nice to have the option, and it would be fun to mess around with. Well, these are the goings on of my mind for the night. Hope you enjoyed. God bless.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Semester

To be honest, I am totally unsure of myself as to how all of this blogging stuff is supposed to be done so please bear with me. The start of the new semester has definitely hit hard. Already I find myself overwhelmed with class work and other commitments such as friends, fraternity matters, etc. It just feels like all of the rest I caught up on during break has vanished in the blink of an eye to my dismay at the hands of my own poor time management and lack of ability to make decisions that will benefit me in the long run. This probably sounds like I have had the worst week of my life, but it has not been gloomy as this report may make it seem, only challenging. I am actually very excited for this new year. Obviously it is going to be a busy one, but being on the move is what makes me happy. I do not know if I have ever had so much responsibility put on myself before, so this will definitely be a learning experience, but if I can make it out alright and keep the parents happy, I'll be OK with whatever happens. Life has changed a little bit around the dorm. One of my best friends and suite mates had to move out because of grades this semester, but another long time friend ended up moving in. It's been a blessing and a curse having him around because he is someone I can talk to, and love talking to, but he also comes with about three other people who regularly pack into my already cramped room to trash the place. Blogging really makes me feel like I'm just whining to you all, so next time I promise to make this a little more cheery. I really have had a great week; I guess I'm just spewing all of this out because I'm writing this in my dorm, and it's what's on my mind right now. So, sorry for the gloom and doom. Hope you all have a great week.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Story

Hey, everyone. My name's Tanner Lillicrap, and Nashville is the only home I ever knew before coming to UT. I graduated from David Lipscomb High School, a small christian school, where I played soccer and football and also wrestled. Outside of competition, one of my favorite things to do is travel, and luckily I was able to incorporate that fascination with the most important aspect of my life, my faith. I always grew up going to church, and when I got old enough, I began to explore the world on mission trips across the world. These trips really shaped the person I am now as I was growing up. My freshman year I went to Honduras where I was blown away by how the people there, though they had virtually nothing, lead such happy and full lives. My second venture out of the country took me to Thailand, also known as the land of smiles. The people I met there were by far the most genuine I had ever met. There was no such thing as judgement in their eyes. They truly loved and cared about everyone the came into contact with, which was overwhelming for me as an American coming from an environment that at times can feel so void of real sincerity. The third and last, so far, trip I took was to Scotland, which was much the opposite. Christians and people with strong morals are brutally antagonized in the UK. Inhibitions for any reason that cannot be scientifically proven are seen as absurd and childish. Those people take a lot of abuse for standing up for what they believe in; displaying to me an inspiring example of strength. This is a very scrambled version of my life; I know, but those are the highlights to me. Those are the moments and memories I appreciate the most, and they could probably tell you more about me than anything else I could imagine.