Monday, January 30, 2012

Honestly just don't have much to say this time around everyone, so I'm just going to mind vomit on this one. Checked out Wal-Mart yesterday and found probably the coolest apple juice bottles I've ever seen. Just by that description you all most likely know exactly the ones I'm talking about. That's right, the tummy ticklers with Disney characters for tops. Just could not resist Woody and Buzz Lightyear's big ol' eyes staring at me from the top shelf of the display rack, and now they're both perched on the top shelf of my dorm bookshelf and keep a close watch over the pad while I'm away or sleeping. For those of you who don't know Toy Story was and always will be my favorite movie. I know you were curious. This is going to sound very dumb but I promise it's frustrated me for years now. I still can't grow a beard. I know, tragic. I've been this close (about the distance between my thumb and pointer finger if you can picture me pinching a nickel) for years now. There's just two patches that refuse to come through for me and the rest of it just won't get quite thick enough to call it real facial hair yet. Feels like the rest of my body is on board with it but my face just isn't having it. I just think it would be nice to have the option, and it would be fun to mess around with. Well, these are the goings on of my mind for the night. Hope you enjoyed. God bless.


  1. Toy story is one of my all time favorites as well. I guess us college kids just never grow up. By the way I like your writing style and I think it goes well with the background picture of your blog.

  2. _Toy Story_ was an awesome movie. I wish Hollywood made more movies like that one!

  3. Can't grow a beard? I'm the same way man. I can grow some pretty beastly neck hair but my cheeks dont really fill out. I always just though that was because I have a fat face or something. It seems like if I go more then a week without shaving I'm itching my face so hard as to possibly incur permanent damage. So I say screw the beard.
