Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Story

Hey, everyone. My name's Tanner Lillicrap, and Nashville is the only home I ever knew before coming to UT. I graduated from David Lipscomb High School, a small christian school, where I played soccer and football and also wrestled. Outside of competition, one of my favorite things to do is travel, and luckily I was able to incorporate that fascination with the most important aspect of my life, my faith. I always grew up going to church, and when I got old enough, I began to explore the world on mission trips across the world. These trips really shaped the person I am now as I was growing up. My freshman year I went to Honduras where I was blown away by how the people there, though they had virtually nothing, lead such happy and full lives. My second venture out of the country took me to Thailand, also known as the land of smiles. The people I met there were by far the most genuine I had ever met. There was no such thing as judgement in their eyes. They truly loved and cared about everyone the came into contact with, which was overwhelming for me as an American coming from an environment that at times can feel so void of real sincerity. The third and last, so far, trip I took was to Scotland, which was much the opposite. Christians and people with strong morals are brutally antagonized in the UK. Inhibitions for any reason that cannot be scientifically proven are seen as absurd and childish. Those people take a lot of abuse for standing up for what they believe in; displaying to me an inspiring example of strength. This is a very scrambled version of my life; I know, but those are the highlights to me. Those are the moments and memories I appreciate the most, and they could probably tell you more about me than anything else I could imagine.


  1. What great experiences those mission trips must have been! I can only imagine how different all these places were and am glad you had the opportunity to go.

  2. Crazy world isn't it? I spent some time in London and kind of know what you mean but I was not there on a mission trip. However I did go to Honduras and I even wrote a blog about it. I have never been to Thailand though.
