Tuesday, February 28, 2012

in recent news

First and foremost everybody, words cannot express how excited I am to see Star Wars in 3D sometime in the near future. I grew up watching the original trilogy with my dad almost every weekend, and it almost gives me goosebumps thinking about getting to see it in theaters again. Natalie Portman has always been one of my favorite actresses and I can't necessarily 100% say this is fact, but I'm pretty sure that most of the reason for that is because of her role as Princess Leia. Never really got why people liked Star Trek. If you were a trekky (if that's how it's spelled) and you'd like to defend your prejudice in the comment box below, please do. I've always been curious as to why it was so popular. If you've never sat down and had a conversation with a homeless person, I'd recommend it.  On Saturday I met Fanzo, a local late night McDonald's frequenter like me. Probably one of the nicest guys I've met before, and also probably had more on his mind than anyone I'd ever met. He could talk about anything and everything. I won't go over all that was discussed but what I can tell you about Fanzo is that:

1. He did not like Obama
2. He thinks people who like pickles on their burgers don't know anything about burgers
3. He says people need to get more dogs, because dogs make people happy

Hopefully I'll run into Fanzo again someday. If any of you ever meet him at McDonald's tell him Tanner said hey.


  1. I'm pretty sure in the unlikely event of me becoming a bachelor again, Natalie Portman will will be my future girl. Or that girl who played in the Spiderman movies. Some homeless people are pretty cool, but some of them you definitely want to watch your back with. Trust me on that one man, especially in Seattle.

  2. Fanzo sounds like an interesting guy...and he does have a point about pickles and burgers :)

  3. Star Wars 3D is hopefully going to be amazing
