Wednesday, March 7, 2012

As Of Late

Hey, everybody. Before I get going with my normal bland spiel, I'd like to mention a family that could use some prayers right now. Some of you may have heard of Ty Osman's passing over the weekend, and if you didn't well all you need to know is that prayers for his family and friends would be much appreciated. For info you can check out this news report:
sorry for the mouthful of a url, that's just the link that describes everything the best. If you read what it has to say about him as a person, I can swear to you it still doesn't do him justice. One of the greatest guys I have ever met by far.

Just to get away from the gloom. It's been a steady week so far. Had formal in Atlanta over the weekend. Tun-A-Fun to say the least. Just really pumped for boxing weekend coming up. A lot of my friends are coming into town so we'll just have to see how that all turns out! This all just feels really lame and insignificant after something so morbid, so I'm sorry everyone for the downer above. I can't even focus on writing this and I have no idea how to expect anyone to read it. I'll make it up to you all next week with something grand and extravagant I promise. Thanks for your concern for the Osman family. Have a good week everyone.


  1. I'm sorry to hear of Ty's passing. Will be thinking of his family.

  2. Sorry to hear about that man. Are you going to box?

  3. I went to PCB too! and Im sorry about Ty!!
