Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Semester

To be honest, I am totally unsure of myself as to how all of this blogging stuff is supposed to be done so please bear with me. The start of the new semester has definitely hit hard. Already I find myself overwhelmed with class work and other commitments such as friends, fraternity matters, etc. It just feels like all of the rest I caught up on during break has vanished in the blink of an eye to my dismay at the hands of my own poor time management and lack of ability to make decisions that will benefit me in the long run. This probably sounds like I have had the worst week of my life, but it has not been gloomy as this report may make it seem, only challenging. I am actually very excited for this new year. Obviously it is going to be a busy one, but being on the move is what makes me happy. I do not know if I have ever had so much responsibility put on myself before, so this will definitely be a learning experience, but if I can make it out alright and keep the parents happy, I'll be OK with whatever happens. Life has changed a little bit around the dorm. One of my best friends and suite mates had to move out because of grades this semester, but another long time friend ended up moving in. It's been a blessing and a curse having him around because he is someone I can talk to, and love talking to, but he also comes with about three other people who regularly pack into my already cramped room to trash the place. Blogging really makes me feel like I'm just whining to you all, so next time I promise to make this a little more cheery. I really have had a great week; I guess I'm just spewing all of this out because I'm writing this in my dorm, and it's what's on my mind right now. So, sorry for the gloom and doom. Hope you all have a great week.


  1. Yes, the start of the semester is always a bit overwhelming. Just start early on all your projects and you'll be able to stay on top of everything.

    Hope it all works out!

  2. If I had a nickel for every time I've had a roomie like that. I'd have at least 15 cents. Honestly have been there though. It actually made me hate my room mate. I ended up being such an ass to him after a while to make it uncomfortable for him to hang in the room with his buddies. I did some pretty screwed up stuff, and if you are really interested I'll tell you all about them, but the point is...it worked. Like a charm. So if it gets bad get creative.
