Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Break

Ok, so for Spring Break me and a bunch of my friends decided to go down to Panama City for the week, and me and the people in my car thought we'd be real smart and go down at 4 in the afternoon on Friday, get there at midnight, find a place to sleep, and then wake up and go to the beach all day Saturday. Well, when you have four people as lazy as my friends are riding down with you, nothing ever goes as planned. At four o'clock, one of them didn't even have a suitcase yet, let alone was he packed. So we actually ended up hitting the road at about 6 and arrived at about 2 or 3. When I stepped out of the car, I was a little surprised to say the least. Everyone was still out and about walking/stumbling the streets like it was 3 in the afternoon, but that didn't surprise me. What surprised me was just how filthy the town was. If my family ever went to the beach, we would stay in Seaside or something around Destin, which was a much nicer, cleaner area. This place was full of some slimy looking people (not to judge, but sometimes you can't help it). I saw vomit twice while walking the streets, and more arrests than you could count on your right hand. The rest of the story basically goes we were offered weed by a questionable character creeping down the strip in his Pinto, and we also made the extremely dangerous decision of sleeping in the car. So moral of the story: arrive at check-in time.


  1. Oh my. Yeah, Panama City is a total pit. I'm not sure why everyone goes back year after year! Haha. Well, I have an idea of why probably.

  2. dude i have had the same experience with panama city. That place in my opinion really sucks.
