Wednesday, April 25, 2012

last blog ( i think?)

Not going to lie to yal. This one almost slipped my mind. For my last and final blog I guess I'll just blab to you guys about what's on my mind these days. So it seems like almost everyone already has their job lined up for summer break and yet again I'm going to be scrambling around trying to find one for a while, but what else is new? I really would like to hook a position at a golf course for the break, but with my luck you'll probably be seeing me mopping up on aisle seven at your local Kroger. Am I the only one around here being crushed by end of the year projects, or do you guys feel my pain? I don't think I'll spend as much time in the library during exam week as I have this week. Sheesh. Speaking of exams... no let's just not. This will easily be the longest and most hated two weeks of my life, so come offer your comfort and company on the third floor of the library, and if any of you all are slackers like me and you have your own exam sorrows, you can cry on my shoulder if I can cry on yours. Almost there though so let's just push through to the other side. Good luck to everyone these next few weeks and hopefully I'll be seeing you all around!


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog this semester! Hope everything goes well with you during finals and that you have a wonderful summer!

  2. Seriously feel you on that one brother. This last week has been kicking my ass! I'll be in the library too so I'll probably see you there. I know some of my friends and I in a couple of my classes have formed study groups. One of them is going to meet in a bar. Whats a better place to learn?
