Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This weekend, a bunch of my friends and I went down to Auburn for their annual Rodeo Weekend. If you have ever been to steeple chase, it's pretty much that just redneck. If you haven't been to steeple chase, basically picture a big open field with rows and rows of trucks tailgating with big ol' tents behind each truck bed. Next to this big field is a nice acre of nothing but dirt, dust, and a ring where brave young men tried their luck at riding bulls. Now picture fifteen thousand college students running around all day in this scene. Hectic to say the least. I had been looking forward to this event for months, and of course the day before I ended up feeling a little under the weather. Regardless, I wasn't going to let it keep me from having a good time so I decided to journey to Auburn against my better judgement. By the time we got there, it had gotten worse. I was light headed and queasy all night and could not sleep. That next morning, which was the day of the rodeo, I woke up, proceeded to take a shower, and then halfway through my scrub (it's about to get gross), I scrambled out of the shower to the toilet and vomited, and upon opening my eyes, lo and behold, I had vomited blood. Not too fun. The rest of the day was miserably great. Like being sick in heaven. Anyways, I figured I'd spice up the blog with a little gag story. Hope you weren't planning on eating soon!


  1. SO i am confused. were you going to Auburn to watch people ride bulls or were you going to attempt to ride a bull

  2. Always love me a good puke story!! Blood though...you might want to get that checked out man....sounds like you got something serious going on in your gut. Or you drank some bad moonshine.

  3. Sounds like something maybe you should consult a doctor about...could be something really really bad.
