Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blog 12

So last night I quickly discovered that poker is not nearly as fun as it sounds. I had played before, but it had been a while, and I had never used real money, so I figured a five dollar gamble might make things at least a little bit more fun and interesting. I was dead wrong. If any of you out there are big time hold em die hards, I'm not trying to pick any fights, I'm sure poker is great if you have the patience for it, but frankly, it is the slower than golf, and that's saying something. I think I got one decent hand the entire night, and as soon as I saw it I went all in, thinking I would either start winning and try to finish this game quickly, or just lose and take my precious time back leaving my five bucks behind. Well for those of you who don't know of the massive cloud of bad luck that seems to follow me everywhere I go, it exists, and it showed up to poker night last night in a big way. My decent hand turned into a great hand by the time the flop rolled around, and I was eying the pot greedily, grinning from ear to ear. I can't exactly remember what I was working with, but I do know I fell to a straight... After that terrible poker experience, needless to say I will not be throwing down any more cash to have my heart broken like that again.


  1. In my family poker is less about actually having the right cards and more about knowing who has the right cards and weather or not you can make them fold and win with a hand that isn't really that great. We all cheat though.

  2. Yeah, never got into that one. But I like to go to the casino with my buddies and just encourage them to blow massive amounts of money. I know the only luck I have is bad luck so I dont even bother. However, I love people that play the lottery. I actually call it "the stupid tax", because your chances of winning are so astronomical its crazy. So only stupid people play, but...they give me money for school, so thank you to them.
